A comprehensive Hospital Management Software
Hospital Express is a ASP.Net based Hospital Management, it is a comprehensive, integrated a hospital management software, medical software, designed to manage all the aspects of a hospital operation, such as OPD management and IPD Management, Patient Registration, Appointment, Medical Billing, and HR / payroll and the corresponding service processing and the corresponding service processing. Traditional approaches encompass paper-based information processing as well as resident work position and mobile data acquisition and presentation. Hospital Express has 3 kinds of core modules such as Hospital, Pharmacy and Pathology departments. Each department has separate logins for admin, hr, reception, doctor, nurse, account, pharmacy and pathology.
Hospital Express has the following key features:
- HMS Settings
- HR Accounts
- Finance Reports
- Pathology Settings
- Patients
- Blood Bank
- HMS Reports
- Dr/ Employee Master
- Patient Reports
- Pharmacy Stock
- Patient Accounts
- Certificates
- Pharmacy Billing